Christian Counseling | Options For Christian Counseling Seekers

What is Faith Based Counseling?

When you hear the terms Christian counseling and faith based counseling, some confusion may occur.  What is the difference anyway? It’s truly quite simple to explain. Christian counseling for individuals, marital Christian counseling, or family Christian counseling, is focused on finding support and solutions to the concerns clients bring in, from a Biblical point of view.

Clients are supported in discussing issues, concerns, areas of pain from the perspective of their relationship with God. The same topics as regular traditional therapy are open for discussion. The person of faith will often seek Christian counseling, or a pre-marital christian counseling based therapy, or spiritual therapy due to the value it plays in their lives.

Faith Based Approach

When a client is requesting faith based counseling or spiritual counseling, the approach taken is one of individuality in faith.  It is determined when I start to work with clients what their belief system is, and how much it is utilized in their daily life. I assist them in incorporating or applying those beliefs into their current situation.  Relief comes when a client makes this connection or in some cases a reconnection to something which has been important in their decision making.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors, give us a call at (972) 234-6634.

Kathleen Mills

Kathleen is a creative and gifted therapist who has extensive experience in helping children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of issues.