Understanding ADD and ADHD: A Case for Counseling

Although the use of medication can improve the identifying symptoms of ADD and ADHD—distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, it does not automatically correct patterns of behavior.  The impulsive tendency to interrupt or talk over other’s who are speaking can be a well-established behavioral pattern that will require  therapy in order to replace the disruptive behavior with positive communication techniques.

Frustration With ADD and ADHD

“Now that I know why I do these things why don’t I stop it? I’m on medication!” This exasperated cry is the voice of frustration when desire and intentions are not enough to eliminate targeted behaviors. Although people close to those who deal with ADD and ADHD frequently comment on annoying behaviors, an awareness of the irritant is not sufficient to modify the behavior.

ADD and ADHD Tendencies and Formation

Many patterned responses were formed early in life, and for the person with ADHD, most of them were established before the diagnosis or treatment of ADHD.  Therefore, if a person does not consciously engage a plan for changing the behavioral pattern, he will fall into his past automatic reaction.

Treating Those with ADD and ADHD

The role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in treating those with ADHD is to create self-awareness, identify a desired behavior, and formulate a plan for modifying the targeted response.  Simply, the goal is to respond rather than react.

 I have yet to meet the person who is challenged with ADD or ADHD who does not have a driving desire to feel in control of self, improve personal relationships, and perform to his potential.  Managed medication and counseling are pathways to meeting those goals.


For well over 20 years, Life Tree Counseling has been a, “soft place to land” for so many people. We’d like to help you, too. You can call us right now at 972-234-6634, and we promise to return your call within 60 minutes. Or, visit our website to schedule a time that’s convenient for you, with one of our counselors.

Kathleen Mills

Kathleen is a creative and gifted therapist who has extensive experience in helping children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of issues.