Posts Tagged ‘Obamacare’
My employer, with over 1500 employees, is debating whether to offer healthcare insurance to us or drop completely due to the expensive cost it will be for the company who purchases in bulk. I understand they will be paying a $2000 per employee penalty to the IRS due to them declining. It appears that we will be needing to buy our own. Will the insurance premiums still be a pre-tax payment? Are there affordable options for me and my family?
If your employer drops your healthcare insurance coverage and you have to buy your own plan, you would no longer be able to pay your premium with pre-tax dollars. Effective in 2014, if your employer stops offering coverage, you will be able to purchase a plan on the health insurance exchanges in October 2013 in…
Read MoreKnowing Your Healthcare Benefits
Your healthcare coverage is one of the most important benefits you’ll receive in your lifetime, and it’s an excellent idea to educate yourself on your plan when it comes to getting the most out of your money. Mental health or behavioral health care deals with a wide range of issues, from traditional counseling sessions to…
Read MoreWhat is an exchange?
In Section 1311: The “Exchange” is a place (online or store, similiar to the DMV) which will allow the individual to purchase the required healthcare insurance, as outlined in the Affordable Care Act. If you are not covered by your employer you will have to go through the exchange system to obtain health care insurance.…
Read MoreWhat is “Medicaid Expansion” all about?
Previously and up until 2012, Medicaid was State operated which served it’s poverty and indigent, and was completely within each State’s jurisdiction to run in every way. But now, in the Obamacare law, it commanded each State be required to fulfill the EXPANSION obligation which raises to 133% over the poverty income (about $10,000). So,…
Read MoreSome states are “opting out” of the Medicaid Expansion Program. What does that mean?
When SCOTUS heard the oral arguments in March 2012, one of the two major decisions SCOTUS had to decide was if the added cost that each state would automatically incur, a violation of the Constitution with respect to State Sovereignty. On June 28, 2013 SCOTUS ruled that, yes, the government can compel the individual to…
Read MoreIf the 10th amendment states that any subject not expressly covered in the constitution is a states-rights issue, why is the Federal government forcing me to buy health insurance?
SCOTUS ruled in favor of the individual mandate, which puts a kink in Amendment X. The only way to enforce Amendment X is for Congress to fully repeal Obamacare, or to defund Obamacare due to the current $6.5 Trillion current deficit. The de-fund bill was struck down by the Democrats in March 2013. However there…
Read MoreWhat does the timeline of events for the next 24 months for Obamacare?
On January 1, 2012, we have had multiple taxes go into effect: A payroll tax hike and 3.8 percent income tax increase. All medical devices tax began. In October, you will see the exchanges get setup and the online application for waivers; Medicaid employers dropping insurance coverage for their employees, and employers reducing 40 hours…
Read MoreWhy are the President, Vice-President, his cabinet and their families and all of congress exempt from having to comply with the Affordable Care Act?
Written into the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare excludes these groups along with seven other groups. For more information about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, visit: “The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are not to be taken as legal advice. The ACA changes on a daily basis and the material…
Read MoreSome of my family members do not currently have health insurance coverage. What if I can’t afford to buy/pay for their coverage?
It is no longer about your family. It is about each individual and the mandate that each individual be covered. All individuals have been ordered to purchase health insurance. The individual may qualify for Medicaid Expansion parameters, by filling out a 16 page application to apply for a partial waiver to help reduce your outgoing…
Read MoreObama promised that health insurance rates would go down an average of $2500 per family. My health insurance coverage has gone up dramatically since passage of ACA and the program hasn’t even fully kicked in. Why are my rates going up?
The individual has been lied to. This was not true when it was promised and it is clear it is not true now. For information about the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act visit: Kathleen Sebelius did in fact confirm and admit under oath in March 2013, that a general policy would rise…
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