My employer, with over 1500 employees, is debating whether to offer healthcare insurance to us or drop completely due to the expensive cost it will be for the company who purchases in bulk. I understand they will be paying a $2000 per employee penalty to the IRS due to them declining. It appears that we will be needing to buy our own. Will the insurance premiums still be a pre-tax payment? Are there affordable options for me and my family?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

If your employer drops your healthcare insurance coverage and you have to buy your own plan, you would no longer be able to pay your premium with pre-tax dollars. Effective in 2014, if your employer stops offering coverage, you will be able to purchase a plan on the health insurance exchanges in October 2013 in…

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Can’t I just buy a Catastrophic Coverage policy and save a lot of money?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Catastrophic care is no longer accepted or viewed as being in compliance, unless you are under the age of 30 and then it has to be an approved Catastrophic Care policy. Information about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can be found at:   “The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are…

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The ACA that was passed is 2600 pages long. The “regulations” that everyone is talking about makes a stack of paper over 7′ tall. What are “regulations”, who’s writing them, and what kind of power do these people have?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of HHS, has full control of who is writing, and what they are writing. HHS has complete and unfettered jurisdiction on what and who is writing the regulations. The 2600 page document is only a framework that was written and voted on before anyone was able to read it. A continuance of…

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Who is exempt from the individual mandate, in other words who doesn’t have to purchase healthcare under Obamacare?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Exempt from the individual mandate: 1.) If you already enrolled in Medicaid you are considered a covered entity 2.) American Indians 3.) Prisoners 4.) Members of the Armed Services (they have Tricare) 5.) Certain Religious Groups – Amish, Christian Scientists, Quakers are exempt. Catholics/Protestants are not. 6.) If you don’t qualify for Medicaid but you…

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Knowing Your Healthcare Benefits

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Your healthcare coverage is one of the most important benefits you’ll receive in your lifetime, and it’s an excellent idea to educate yourself on your plan when it comes to getting the most out of your money.  Mental health or behavioral health care deals with a wide range of issues, from traditional counseling sessions to…

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What is an exchange?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

In Section 1311: The “Exchange” is a place (online or store, similiar to the DMV) which will  allow the individual to purchase the required healthcare insurance, as outlined in the Affordable Care Act. If you are not covered by your employer you will have to go through the exchange system to obtain health care insurance.…

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What does “subsidize” mean?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Subsidize is in reference to decreased expense allocations given to the individual (by the IRS) due to some hardship involved. The subsidy is PAID by the other taxpayers via the increase of their premiums. This is how Obamacare works; a huge increase of insurance premiums to help cover the Medicaid Expansion population and the exempt…

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What is “Medicaid Expansion” all about?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Previously and up until 2012, Medicaid was State operated which served it’s poverty and indigent, and was completely within each State’s jurisdiction to run in every way. But now, in the Obamacare law, it commanded each State be required to fulfill the EXPANSION obligation which raises to 133% over the poverty income (about $10,000). So,…

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I’ve heard that the Fed will “subsidize” my health insurance payments if I can’t afford them. Is that true? How will that be accomplished?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

You are referring to the Medicaid Expansion portion and yes, there is an extension application you can download from to request a waiver of sorts. However, you must be making under $100,000 to be considered for this. To learn more about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act visit:   “The thoughts and…

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