Kathleen Mills
My Areas of Practice Focus
Where Have Our Critical Thinking Skills Gone?
Kathleen Mills LPC-S
Mind. Body. Spirit.
I'm Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, CEAP, CIMHP. I've been doing this for almost 35 years now and I still love it. But let me tell you what's changed in that time period as far as my approach to helping people like you.
It's my practiced opinion that the counseling profession is at great risk of losing our edge to a singular way of thinking. Far too many counselors have been taught to think that therapy is the delivery of a handful of academically approved, mostly talk-therapy approaches, and that if that doesn't do the trick then send them to a psychiatrist for yet another pill.
It's been a Band-Aid approach to the underlying problems, and to the extent that a Band-Aid makes you feel better, then it has worked. But I believe that institutional wisdom has many failings on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels as it relates to curing anything.
A More Effective Path
Within the past 5 years I have begun to listen to that little voice telling me that an effective, professional approach to mental health involves a purposeful, comprehensive assessment of the mind, body and spirit to be curative. The mind does not operate in a disembodied vacuum and so every aspect of our lives should be examined for effect to achieve a desired outcome beyond a mere Band-Aid.
I began following other pioneers of this approach to mental health and I have never looked back. Along the way I acquired my CIMHP, the Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional certification, assembled a team of support professionals who practice healing arts beyond my scope of practice, and re-entered my chosen profession with a new sense of purpose.
I am convinced beyond any measure that most mental illness is directly related to the quality of just a handful of environmental factors. That includes the "foods" we eat and the chemicals they contain, water quality, the sleep quality we get, the overall condition of our bodies (exercise), one's spiritual component and even the EMF's in your environment. All of that contributes to and affects who we are, how we think, and ultimately the quality of our mental condition.
I truly believe that if you give the body (and mind) what it needs it will heal itself. So, to achieve the desired outcome for you I have greatly expanded the breadth of information needed from a new client when we get started.
You Ready For This?
Remember, another pill is not my go-to solution. A counselor's task is to help a client critically think through their problems and arrive at logical, impactful and curative destinations. That approach in today's professional environment is being eroded by a dogma which does not focus on accountability but sees a therapist "affirming" a client's pre-determined self-diagnosis. (Check out this page for the difference between traditional allopathic medical treatment and our approach)
Accountability is the rule around here and I will hold you accountable for all aspects of your life that may be negatively contributing to your current issues. That's my approach to helping you conquer your mental health issues and I look forward to meeting you and holding you accountable!

Schedule An Appointment With Kathleen
- By Phone.
You may call 972-234-6634 x104 and leave her a message. She routinely returns calls left before 3pm within an hour (really!). So, keep your phone handy! She will answer any questions or concerns you might have and then go from there. All calls after 3pm will be returned the next business day. You will still need to complete your pre-appointment paperwork so you'll want to arrive 15-20 minutes early if you choose this route.
2. By Online Portal
This route will allow you to:
- Setup your client portal.
- Complete the required paperwork, necessary prior to the first visit.
- Simply go to the calendar icon (on your dashboard) to self schedule your first appointment.
- Select the FIRST APPOINTMENT option and scheduled, If you are EAP please let me know! Thank you!
Seen us before and already completed your account setup and paperwork? This is the button for you!
- Simply go to the calendar icon (on your dashboard) to self schedule your next appointment.
Years In Practice
Populations Served
Support & Treatment Offerings
- Nutritional Assessment Provider and Educator/Youngevity Distributor
- Lifewave Brand Partner and Educator
- Nutritional Assessment Provider and Educator
Formal Education
- Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional
- Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor
- Certified Employee Assistance Professional
- Certified SYMBIS Assessment Facilitator
- M. Ed. in Counselor Education, UNT
Recommended Books
- Everybody is Sick, And I Know Why by Peter J Glidden, ND
- Lost In Trans Nation, Dr. Miriam Grossman
- The Courage To Face Covid 19, Dr. Peter McCollough
- Dr Wallach's Cooking Without The Bad Foods, Chef Norman Goodies
- Facing Codependence by Pia Melody
Recommended Videos
- Pastor Voddie Buchanan: Nebuchadnezzar Loses His Mind
- Big Pharma and Our Children
"Dealing With Covid" Information
Fee Structure
Monday Noon - 4:00PM
- Standard Self-Pay Counseling : $120/hr
- Wholistic Services (CIMHP) : $120/hr
- Insurance Visits
Tues-Wed-Thu 8:00am-5:00pm
- Standard Self-Pay Counseling: $120/hr
- Wholistic Services (CIMHP) : $120/hr
- SYMBIS: 5 weekly, consecutive sessions $110/hr, with 3 hrs of homework.
Saturday 8:00am-10:00am
- Self Pay & Wholistic Services: $120
- SYMBIS-5 weekly, consecutive sessions $110/hr, with 3 hours of homework.
Coming Soon!
Experiential Sound Medicine Frequency Sessions. $45/45 Minutes
Cancellation Policy
Our business is run on a finite number of business hours scheduled. We recognize that things sometime happen and you may need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If so, please call at least 24 hrs in advance (no emails, please) and give us an opportunity to help someone else in that time slot.
Failure to cancel (24 hrs in advance) or show up for your scheduled session will constitute permission to bill you for the time you scheduled.