Can’t I just buy a Catastrophic Coverage policy and save a lot of money?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Catastrophic care is no longer accepted or viewed as being in compliance, unless you are under the age of 30 and then it has to be an approved Catastrophic Care policy. Information about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can be found at:   “The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are…

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The ACA that was passed is 2600 pages long. The “regulations” that everyone is talking about makes a stack of paper over 7′ tall. What are “regulations”, who’s writing them, and what kind of power do these people have?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of HHS, has full control of who is writing, and what they are writing. HHS has complete and unfettered jurisdiction on what and who is writing the regulations. The 2600 page document is only a framework that was written and voted on before anyone was able to read it. A continuance of…

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Who is exempt from the individual mandate, in other words who doesn’t have to purchase healthcare under Obamacare?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Exempt from the individual mandate: 1.) If you already enrolled in Medicaid you are considered a covered entity 2.) American Indians 3.) Prisoners 4.) Members of the Armed Services (they have Tricare) 5.) Certain Religious Groups – Amish, Christian Scientists, Quakers are exempt. Catholics/Protestants are not. 6.) If you don’t qualify for Medicaid but you…

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I see that some businesses have been granted “exemptions” from the ACA. Permanent? Temporary? Why did they get them in the first place? How can I get one?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Some businesses have been granted exemptions from certain parts of the heathcare law because of the corporation being put in a religious jeopardy towards its own beliefs. Hobby Lobby and Dominoes Pizza are two that come to mind. Hobby Lobby has not gotten an exemption and is being penalized $1Million per day since January 1…

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What does “mandated” mean?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

Mandated means: “have to”. Mandated means: “SCOTUS ruled as law of the land. Mandated means: “obligation”. Mandated means: “You either purchase insurance or receive the penalty assigned by the  IRS” More information about the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care act can be found at:   “The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article…

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The HHS recently stated that health insurance premiums will indeed be going up, contrary to the rhetoric of the last 4 years. What if the Fed doesn’t have enough money allocated to subsidize payments for all of the people, like me, that can’t afford it?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

There are a few concerns about this. One big factor is the reduction of Medicare for our Senior Citizens. The money was redistributed for the Medicaid Expansion. Also you may read about the “death panels” (IPAB) in Section 3403. The IPAB is specific to the Medicare reduction of services. A group of 15 on the…

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The ACA is requiring that a specific list of coverages be included in every policy that is sold. If every policy carries the same, additional coverages, how can the rates possibly go down?

Life Tree Counseling Kathleen Mills

  They won’t go down, unless repealed in full and returned to the private sector. It’s a supply and demand event. Read more about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act at:   “The thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are not to be taken as legal advice. The ACA changes on a…

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