Play Therapy For Children

Benefits of Play Therapy

Play Therapy is beneficial for children ages 3-9 because children’s cognitive abilities have not fully developed and children are not able to verbally express themselves as effectively as adults.  Play is the natural language of children, so play therapy brings the healing process to the child’s level.  Additional benefits of this recommended type of therapy is that the child does not feel judged or pressured by what he or she says, but can express themselves naturally through the way that he or she plays with specific toys.

LaShondra Manning, a Life Tree Counseling therapist, employs Child-Centered Play Therapy as her theoretical orientation to play therapy.  Manning feels that Child-Centered Play Therapy is the best approach because it is non-directive and child-led.  Usually, the child forgets that he or she is in therapy, an often stereotyped formal process for children, and is able to reconcile and solve problems for themselves in their own way and style.

Some of these therapy techniques is the therapist’s tracking or reflection of the child’s play and feelings.  Child Centered Play Therapy also allows the child to make appropriate choices about the play and boundaries.  The toys used in the play therapy room are purposeful and arranged in a way that allows the client to creatively express him or herself.

The University of North Texas, Denton, TX is home to the Center for Play Therapy, created by child centered play therapy expert Garry Landreth.  The Center for Play Therapy has many continuing education learning opportunities for therapists to enhance and increase their skills.

For more information schedule an appointment with your LifeTree Counselor at (972) 234-6634

Kathleen Mills

Kathleen is a creative and gifted therapist who has extensive experience in helping children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of issues.